Defining a project with the Python Package Index

Your project should result in a small python application that others can download and use. One way to develop the class project and the proposal is to think about a sequence of  activities and how data might flow through it.

  1. Get data from text file, spreadsheet, Web. Database, images, files
  2. Define a task for the user and get parameters, configuration, choice, etc. from user (incl. choosing the data) This could be done in GUI but may also work via the command line (shell)
  3. Given the user's input and the data, process data
  4. Present results (again in a GUI or in some other form)
  5. Possibly go back to 2 for more input from use
One possible way to  narrow down the choices for your project is exploring the Python package index: (

As you select tags from the Topic, new sub-topics are added at the bottom (I had clicked on Multimedia). In the beginning there are usually too many packages to show ...

... but after you've narrowed down your search, a table will appear. Here I am looking for a package to capture images - this lead me to the PIL package

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